To be spiritually conscious, socially responsible and morally upright and imparting each student with an outstanding experience has been the core dimension of Holy Faith English School. 

1. Morning Assembly:

The activities of the school begins with the school assembly.
Chanting of Gayathri Mantra and Shlokas.
➢ Prayers ,school Song and school anthem
➢ Pledge
➢ Speeches by Students
➢ Speeches by teachers for imparting value education.
➢ Speeches on Special occasions.

Apart from creating a positive atmosphere in the school, the assembly also lays a platform for the students to exhibit their talent.

2. Fruit Break:

A long healthy life begins with good genes, but it also depends on good habits. To inculcate good eating habits, eating a fruit everyday has been made compulsory.

3. Smart Board:

The school has introduced Smart Boards to make the teaching learning process more interesting and effective.

4. Spoken English:

Being a good communication is the first step in the path of success.Conversing in English/ Spoken English is given its due importance. The children are encouraged to converse only in English.

5. DEAR – Drop Everything And Read:

An initiative to instil reading habits (newspapers) in our dear students and enable them aware of the worldly happenings.

6. Reader’s Award: ‘Readers and Leaders’:

To encourage the young, avid readers to immense themselves in the World of Books, the school bestows students with the
‘Reader’s Award’. Who will read maximum number of books and present their reviews.

8. Library:

 The school’s library has been enriched with more than 40,000 good and relevant books.
Around three hundred e-books and the infrastructure facilities provided in the library makes reading pleasant, comfortable
and enjoyable.

9. Drama and Speech:

➢ The school always focusses on the personality development of its students, apart from academic excellence.
➢ The school takes efforts to bring out the theatrical skills of the students and instill confidence among them.

10. Newsletter:

➢ Features the activities, celebrations, competition and achievements of the school.
➢ Also provides an opportunity to students and staff to exhibit their writing skills.

11. Fieldtrip/Study Tour:

➢ Holy Faith English School believes that – Learning happens even beyond classrooms.
➢ The school arranges fieldtrips and study tour every year for the students to enrich their knowledge and have hands on

12. Investiture Ceremony:

➢ To nurture leadership quality, its seeds have to been sown in childhood itself.
➢ With this ideology, the school holds Investiture Ceremony, wherein the newly elected student council members are
bestowed with the responsibility to lead the school with honour and commitment.

13. Sports Day:

➢ To inculcate the spirit of true sportsmanship and camaraderie, Sports Day is conducted every year.
➢ The budding sports champions are identified and groomed with an aim to make them world masters.

14. Celebrations:

➢ Celebrations of almost all the festivals is one of the positive trends happening in the school premises.
➢ The students get an opportunity to know the significance of the festivals and our culture.
➢ Guru Purnima, Gokulashtami, Teacher’s Day and Diwali are few of the celebrations.

15. Community Outreach:

➢ Real celebration lies in giving and sharing.
➢ Send Rakhi’s made by our students to the soldiers who are protecting us day and night.
➢ Visits the National Association for the Blinds, National Association for the Disabled and orphanages and gifts, sweets and new clothes to orphans, disabled and needy people during Diwali.

16. 100% Attendance (For Students):

➢ To motivate, encourage and appreciate students’ regularity, punctuality and discipline, the school felicitates with 100%
attendance every academic year.

17. House System:

➢ The houses – Faith, Peace, Charity Hope provide ample opportunities to students to explore and exhibit their
latest talents and personalities.
➢ Inter-House competition and activities are conducted for higher standards of excellence.

18. Vacation Camps:

➢ To develop qualities like team – spirit, co-operation tolerance and sportsman spirit, vacation camps are organized every

19. Merit Certificate Exam:

➢ This has been introduced to give an opportunity to the students for excellence in their performance. The best
performance are acknowledged and appreciated by the school.

20. Club Activities:

➢ To bring out the latent talent of our students various activities are conducted by: Literary club, Eco club, Community
Welfare club,, ICT club and Health and Wellness club et.

21. Workshops:

➢ Workshops by eminent educators and personalities are periodically conducted for the students to enrich their
knowledge and prepare them to face the future challenges.
➢ The teaching fraternity is privileged to attend the workshops conducted by CBSE, In house training with, other reputed
➢ This is one of the most effective ways of their knowledge and be aware of the updating latest teaching strategies for ensuring teaching learning more effective, interesting and informative.

22. No-Bag Day: (For Pre-Primary and Primary)

➢ Students eagerly wait for the ‘No-Bag Day’ on which they get a chance to play Indoor games, Out door games, Riddles and
➢ This day is enjoyed by all the students as there is no need to bring their bags.

23. Health Check up:
➢ Following the adage, ‘A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body’, the school takes earnest efforts to take care of the physical and
mental well being of the students.
➢ General Health Check up, Dental Check up and Eye Check up are conducted by renowned doctors and preventive measures
are suggested to them